LiDAR Data for Gilmer County, WV (Little Kanawha Subbasin) Document Descriptions A1_Lidar Mapping Report.pdf - Report from Airborne 1 Corporation describing ground control, post-processing (feature removal) and in-flight data acquisition parameters for the LiDAR data A1_Lidar Mapping Report-Addendum v1.pdf - Addendum to the A1_Lidar Mapping Report.pdf CVI_LiDAR_Data_Description.doc - Overview document describing the acquisition and processing of the LiDAR data gridded_data_meta.txt - FGDC-format metadata for gridded products created by CVI mass_points_meta.txt - FGDC-format metadata for the vector Mass Points coverages QA_CVI_LiDAR_Tiles.xls - Spreadsheet used to track QA of data products created by CVI from the raw LiDAR data QAQC_A1_ControlPoints.xls - Spreadsheet recording ground control points and analysis results used by Airborne 1 Corporation to test quality of the LiDAR data rawdata_tiles_meta.txt - FGDC-format metadata for the vector polygon tiles created by Airborne 1 for delivery of the raw LiDAR data (\\reference\rawdata_tiles.shp) tiles_meta.txt - FGDC-format metadata for the vector polygon tiles created by CVI for the organization of derived data products (\\reference\tiles.shp)