TITLE: West Virginia SPOT USA Select 10-Meter Panchromatic Imagery DESCRIPTION: SPOT USA Select consists of 10-meter resolution black & white satellite imagery derived from SPOT 10m panchromatic. Acquired between 1998 and 2001, the statewide 30'x30' orthorectified imagery is tonal balanced, mosaicked and edge matched. Accurate to 1:24,000 scale, SPOT USA Select is ideal for mapping, regional planning and providing a foundation for GIS applications. Licensing restrictions apply. SCALE: Nominal scale 1:24,000 LOCATION: Statewide coverage. Refer to the SPOT index graphic (spot_index.jpg) or the ArcView GIS reference shapefiles located on the Technical Center's secure ftp site. ATTRIBUTE INFORMATION: Scene and frame index files contain attribute information. DATA SOURCE LINEAGE: Originator of data is the SPOT Image Corporation. P" panchromatic mode (Spot 1, 2, 3) imagery was captured in a single spectral band, corresponding to the visible part (0.51 to 0.73 æm) of the spectrum without the blue. Processing Level (Orthoimage): The imagery was ortho-corrected using ground control points selected from USGS 7.5' topo maps and USGS Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) to eliminate distortions due to the relief. Accuracy: 14-meter horizontal accuracy at 90% confidence level using USGS 1:24,000 scale DRG source data. Scene selection and currency: Mostly leaf-off scenes; of the 59 scenes that cover the entire state, 37% of the scenes were acquired in Year 2001, 51% in 2000, and the remaining 12% in 1998-1999. Frames: 47 (30'x30') frames, defined as quadrants of the USGS 1 deg. x 1 deg. grid or half of the USGS 100K quad, are the geographic extent of which SPOT files are downloaded. Refer to the file "metadata_ spotselect2001.doc" for more information about the SPOT scene and frame reference files. Detailed metadata is also included with each SPOT frame. COORDINATE SYSTEM: Cast on the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 17 North projection, on the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) with coordinates in meters. FILE FORMAT: Compressed GeoTIFF image for each image frame (approximate file size - 20 MB) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: (1) SPOT Image Corporation (http://www.spot.com/) (2) SPOT Metadata Interpretation Guide (metadata_ spotselect2001.doc) (3) SPOT-WV License Agreement (license_spotselect2001.doc) DOWNLOAD: SPOT Licensing Agreement: This product is licensed for use by (1) state, county and local government agencies; (2) the state school system (K-12 public schools and public/state universities); and (3) federal agencies that have joint projects with state, local, county or public school entities in the state of West Virginia. No Internet license agreement exists; consequently, this product may not be downloaded in any file format or screen captured via the Internet to the general public or to groups outside of the licensed parties. If your organization meets the licensing criteria stated above, e-mail wvgis@wvu.edu with your name, organization, and address for validation purposes and authorization to access data.