Data included on this CD-ROM represents final Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data that have been published as effective FIRM information. The data are the official and legal representation of the effective flood zones. Directory Structure: ****************************************************************************** There are 2 versions of FEMA's DFIRM database: the Standard and the Enhanced. The Standard database information is stored under the /DFIRM_DB directory and if there are any Enhanced database tables, they would be stored in the /Enhanced_DB directory. The three database file formats are found in the following sub-directories: Files in Shapefile format (.shp/.shx/.dbf) are located at /ArcShape Files in ESRI Interchange format (.e00) are located at /ArcExport Files in MapInfo Interchange format (.mif/.mid) are located at /MapInfo. The /Document directory stores the metadata and readme files. The /Ortho_photos directory stores any applicable raster data that are shown on the DFIRM along with their world files. The /RFIRM directory stores raster images of the DFIRM panels along with their world files. The /FIS directory holds a copy of the FIS in PDF format, when applicable. For users without access to appropriate GIS software, a data viewer from ESRI, ArcExplorer 2.0, can be obtained for free at the following website. This software is freely distributable and technical support is solely available from ESRI at Description of Files: ****************************************************************************** User's note: This CD-ROM may not contain all files listed below. Only database files relevant to the individual study are included on the CD-ROM. ****************************************************************************** s_bfe - Base flood elevation lines shown on the DFIRM s_base_index - Index of raster base map images s_cbrs - Coastal Barrier Resources System areas s_cst_tsct_ln - Coastal transect lines s_firm_pan - DFIRM panel areas s_fld_haz_ar - Flood hazard zone areas s_fld_haz_ln - Flood hazard zone lines s_gen_struct - Hydraulic structures shown on the DFIRM such as levees, weirs, bridges, dams, culverts s_label_ln - Leader lines for printed DFIRM labels s_label_pt - Point location of printed DFIRM labels s_perm_bmk - National Geodetic Survey (NGS) benchmark point locations s_plss_ar - Public Land Survey System (PLSS) section areas s_plss_ln - Public Land Survey System (PLSS) township, range, and section lines s_pol_ar - Political jurisdiction areas s_pol_ln - Political jurisdiction boundary lines s_quad_index - Index of USGS 7.5 minute quadrangles s_riv_mrk - River Mile marker point locations s_trnsport_ln - Base map transportation line features s_wtr_ar - Surface water area features s_wtr_ln - Surface water line features s_xs - Cross section line locations study_info - General study information l_comm_info - Tabular data representing all included communities l_mt1_lomc - Tabular data representing Letters of Map Change (LOMCs) l_pan_revis - Tabular data representing historic FIRM revisions l_pol_fhbm - Tabular data representing FHBM revisions l_stn_start - Tabular data representing cross section stationing origins