






In its continuing efforts to perform hazards mitigation and to improve customer service 
by expanding the availability of flood risk data, the Federal Emergency Management Agency 
(FEMA) has released the Q3 Flood Data product.  Designed to support FEMA's Response and 
Recovery activities and flood insurance policy marketing initiatives, Q3 Flood Data will 
be used in floodplain management, hazards analysis, and risk assessment activities. 

The product contains a subset of information derived from paper Flood Insurance Rate Maps 
(FIRMs).  While the digital data were developed to support floodplain management 
activities, they do not replace the paper FIRMs.   



The Q3 Flood Data are developed by electronically scanning the current
effective map panels of existing paper FIRMs.  Certain key features are
digitally captured and then converted into area features (floodplain boundaries,
flood insurance zones, political boundaries).  Using computer mapping software,
you can overlay the Q3 Flood Data with your own information (land parcels,
transportation networks, customer addresses, etc.) to display zones of potential
flood risk and identify future marketing opportunities.

Q3 Flood Data are intended to capture certain key features from the existing
paper FIRMs.  These features include:

    > 100-year and 500-year (1% and 0.2% annual chance) floodplain areas, 
      including Zone V areas, certain floodway areas (when present on the FIRM),
      and zone designations.

    > Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) areas.

    > Political areas, including community identification number.

    > FIRM panel areas, including panel number and suffix.

    > U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle corner
      points and neatlines.

The most current FIRM panels are used in the Q3 Flood Data production.  In 
addition, Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs),
if they are mappable at the publication scale of the paper FIRM, are incorporated
into the Q3 Flood Data.  However, the user should keep in mind that changes may
have occurred between the time of the digital Q3 Flood Data conversion and the
production date of the CD-ROM.  Therefore, because of the dynamic nature of these
revisions and updates, the user should confirm that the most up-to-date information
is being used to meet the needs of her/his desired application.  FEMA intends to
perform bi-annual reviews (and possible revisions) of the Q3 Flood Data CD-ROMs to
ensure the most current and useful data are available to the user community.

The paper FIRMs from which the Q3 Flood Data are extracted contain no horizontal
control (x/y, latitude/longitude coordinates).  However, the digital Q3 Flood Data
specifications require horizontal control consistent with the specifications required
for mapping at a scale of 1:24,000.  Horizontal control is typically accomplished by
fitting the flood data to a USGS 1:24,000 scale topographic quadrangle.  Edge-
matching errors, overlaps and underlaps in coverage, and similar problems are not
corrected during the Q3 Flood Data conversion process.

The Q3 Flood Data are distributed in USGS Digital Line Graph (DLG) format, compatible
with FEMA document FIA-21/October 1993 ("Standards for Digital Flood Insurance
Rate Maps").  The Q3 data are also provided in proprietary formats (ARC/INFO (R)
and MapInfo (R)) for use with numerous compatible desk-top mapping and Geographic
Information System (GIS) software packages.



The following document files are located in the \DOCUMENT directory:

1.  USERGD.TXT.........."Q3 Users Guide" documentation provides users
                        with an overview of the Q3 Flood Data in an ASCII
                        text format.

2.  USERGD.WP5.........."Q3 Users Guide" documentation provides users
                        with an overview of the Q3 Flood Data in a Word
                        Perfect 5.1 format.

3.  USERGD.EPS.........."Q3 Users Guide" documentation provides users
                        with an overview of the Q3 Flood Data in a PostScript

4.  Q3SPEC.TXT.........."Q3 Specifications" documentation for the Q3 Flood
                        Data in ASCII text format.

5.  Q3SPEC.WP5.........."Q3 Specifications" documentation for the Q3 Flood
                        Data in Word Perfect 5.1 format.

6.  Q3SPEC.EPS.........."Q3 Specifications" documentation for the Q3 Flood
                        Data in Postscript format.



This Q3 Flood Data came from a CD-ROM, Disc 29, dated September 1998 that contains
Q3 data for 34 counties.

Each Q3 Flood Data set included on the CD-ROM is provided in Digital
Line Graph (DLG) format, ARC/INFO export format, and MapInfo native table format.

     > Metadata are provided for each Q3 Flood Data set in ASCII text format.

     > Documentation for the Q3 Flood Data is also included on the CD-ROM.

Directory Structure:

This Q3 Flood Data is organized with the following directory structure:

\DLG         <DIR>   Q3-DLG files for 34 counties
\ARC         <DIR>   Q3 ARC/INFO export files for 34 counties
\MAP         <DIR>   Q3 MapInfo native table files for 34 counties (Not on FTP server)
\DOCUMENT    <DIR>   Documentation
readme.txt           This " readme " file lists the contents of the CD-ROM
                     as well as background information regarding the Q3 Flood
                     Data product.

For general inquiries or to order Q3 Flood Data, call 1-800-358-9616.  For technical 
support, call 617-354-2614.  You may also email technical questions to FEMA@hdm.com.


This Q3 Flood Data CD-ROM contains Q3 Flood Data for 34
individual counties in DLG format.  One countywide Q3-DLG file per county is
provided in DOS ASCII format.

The following Q3-DLG files are contained in the \DLG directory:

COUNTY                        FILE

Barbour County                \DLG\C54001.DLG
Braxton County                \DLG\C54007.DLG
Brooke County                 \DLG\C54009.DLG
Cabell County                 \DLG\C54011.DLG
Calhoun County                \DLG\C54013.DLG
Clay County                   \DLG\C54015.DLG
Gilmer County                 \DLG\C54021.DLG
Grant County                  \DLG\C54023.DLG
Greenbrier County             \DLG\C54025.DLG
Hardy County                  \DLG\C54031.DLG
Harrison County               \DLG\C54033.DLG
Jackson County                \DLG\C54035.DLG
Kanawha County                \DLG\C54039.DLG
Lewis County                  \DLG\C54041.DLG
Lincoln County                \DLG\C54043.DLG
Logan County                  \DLG\C54045.DLG
Mcdowell County               \DLG\C54047.DLG
Marshall County               \DLG\C54051.DLG
Mason County                  \DLG\C54053.DLG
Mingo County                  \DLG\C54059.DLG
Ohio County                   \DLG\C54069.DLG
Putnam County                 \DLG\C54079.DLG
Raleigh County                \DLG\C54081.DLG
Randolph County               \DLG\C54083.DLG
Roane County                  \DLG\C54087.DLG
Summers County                \DLG\C54089.DLG
Tucker County                 \DLG\C54093.DLG
Tyler County                  \DLG\C54095.DLG
Upshur County                 \DLG\C54097.DLG
Wayne County                  \DLG\C54099.DLG
Wetzel County                 \DLG\C54103.DLG
Wirt County                   \DLG\C54105.DLG
Wood County                   \DLG\C54107.DLG
Wyoming County                \DLG\C54109.DLG
COUNTY                        METADATA FILE
Barbour County                \DLG\C54001.DLM
Braxton County                \DLG\C54007.DLM
Brooke County                 \DLG\C54009.DLM
Cabell County                 \DLG\C54011.DLM
Calhoun County                \DLG\C54013.DLM
Clay County                   \DLG\C54015.DLM
Gilmer County                 \DLG\C54021.DLM
Grant County                  \DLG\C54023.DLM
Greenbrier County             \DLG\C54025.DLM
Hardy County                  \DLG\C54031.DLM
Harrison County               \DLG\C54033.DLM
Jackson County                \DLG\C54035.DLM
Kanawha County                \DLG\C54039.DLM
Lewis County                  \DLG\C54041.DLM
Lincoln County                \DLG\C54043.DLM
Logan County                  \DLG\C54045.DLM
Mcdowell County               \DLG\C54047.DLM
Marshall County               \DLG\C54051.DLM
Mason County                  \DLG\C54053.DLM
Mingo County                  \DLG\C54059.DLM
Ohio County                   \DLG\C54069.DLM
Putnam County                 \DLG\C54079.DLM
Raleigh County                \DLG\C54081.DLM
Randolph County               \DLG\C54083.DLM
Roane County                  \DLG\C54087.DLM
Summers County                \DLG\C54089.DLM
Tucker County                 \DLG\C54093.DLM
Tyler County                  \DLG\C54095.DLM
Upshur County                 \DLG\C54097.DLM
Wayne County                  \DLG\C54099.DLM
Wetzel County                 \DLG\C54103.DLM
Wirt County                   \DLG\C54105.DLM
Wood County                   \DLG\C54107.DLM
Wyoming County                \DLG\C54109.DLM


This Q3 Flood Data CD-ROM contains Q3 Flood Data for 34
individual counties in ARC/INFO export format.  One countywide Q3-ARC/INFO
export file per county is provided.  All Q3-ARC/INFO export files are
uncompressed. Only polygon attributes are provided.

The following Q3-ARC/INFO export files are contained in the \ARC directory:

COUNTY                        FILE
Barbour County                \ARC\C54001.E00
Braxton County                \ARC\C54007.E00
Brooke County                 \ARC\C54009.E00
Cabell County                 \ARC\C54011.E00
Calhoun County                \ARC\C54013.E00
Clay County                   \ARC\C54015.E00
Gilmer County                 \ARC\C54021.E00
Grant County                  \ARC\C54023.E00
Greenbrier County             \ARC\C54025.E00
Hardy County                  \ARC\C54031.E00
Harrison County               \ARC\C54033.E00
Jackson County                \ARC\C54035.E00
Kanawha County                \ARC\C54039.E00
Lewis County                  \ARC\C54041.E00
Lincoln County                \ARC\C54043.E00
Logan County                  \ARC\C54045.E00
Mcdowell County               \ARC\C54047.E00
Marshall County               \ARC\C54051.E00
Mason County                  \ARC\C54053.E00
Mingo County                  \ARC\C54059.E00
Ohio County                   \ARC\C54069.E00
Putnam County                 \ARC\C54079.E00
Raleigh County                \ARC\C54081.E00
Randolph County               \ARC\C54083.E00
Roane County                  \ARC\C54087.E00
Summers County                \ARC\C54089.E00
Tucker County                 \ARC\C54093.E00
Tyler County                  \ARC\C54095.E00
Upshur County                 \ARC\C54097.E00
Wayne County                  \ARC\C54099.E00
Wetzel County                 \ARC\C54103.E00
Wirt County                   \ARC\C54105.E00
Wood County                   \ARC\C54107.E00
Wyoming County                \ARC\C54109.E00
COUNTY                        METADATA FILE
Barbour County                \ARC\C54001M
Braxton County                \ARC\C54007M
Brooke County                 \ARC\C54009M
Cabell County                 \ARC\C54011M
Calhoun County                \ARC\C54013M
Clay County                   \ARC\C54015M
Gilmer County                 \ARC\C54021M
Grant County                  \ARC\C54023M
Greenbrier County             \ARC\C54025M
Hardy County                  \ARC\C54031M
Harrison County               \ARC\C54033M
Jackson County                \ARC\C54035M
Kanawha County                \ARC\C54039M
Lewis County                  \ARC\C54041M
Lincoln County                \ARC\C54043M
Logan County                  \ARC\C54045M
Mcdowell County               \ARC\C54047M
Marshall County               \ARC\C54051M
Mason County                  \ARC\C54053M
Mingo County                  \ARC\C54059M
Ohio County                   \ARC\C54069M
Putnam County                 \ARC\C54079M
Raleigh County                \ARC\C54081M
Randolph County               \ARC\C54083M
Roane County                  \ARC\C54087M
Summers County                \ARC\C54089M
Tucker County                 \ARC\C54093M
Tyler County                  \ARC\C54095M
Upshur County                 \ARC\C54097M
Wayne County                  \ARC\C54099M
Wetzel County                 \ARC\C54103M
Wirt County                   \ARC\C54105M
Wood County                   \ARC\C54107M
Wyoming County                \ARC\C54109M


This Q3 Flood Data CD-ROM contains Q3 Flood Data for 34
individual counties in MapInfo native table format.  A MapInfo table is comprised
of four distinct files (with .tab, .dat, .map, and .id extensions). Only polygon
attributes are provided.

The following Q3-MapInfo files are contained in the \MAP directory:
COUNTY                        FILE
Barbour County                \MAP\C54001P.dat
Braxton County                \MAP\C54007P.dat
Brooke County                 \MAP\C54009P.dat
Cabell County                 \MAP\C54011P.dat
Calhoun County                \MAP\C54013P.dat
Clay County                   \MAP\C54015P.dat
Gilmer County                 \MAP\C54021P.dat
Grant County                  \MAP\C54023P.dat
Greenbrier County             \MAP\C54025P.dat
Hardy County                  \MAP\C54031P.dat
Harrison County               \MAP\C54033P.dat
Jackson County                \MAP\C54035P.dat
Kanawha County                \MAP\C54039P.dat
Lewis County                  \MAP\C54041P.dat
Lincoln County                \MAP\C54043P.dat
Logan County                  \MAP\C54045P.dat
Mcdowell County               \MAP\C54047P.dat
Marshall County               \MAP\C54051P.dat
Mason County                  \MAP\C54053P.dat
Mingo County                  \MAP\C54059P.dat
Ohio County                   \MAP\C54069P.dat
Putnam County                 \MAP\C54079P.dat
Raleigh County                \MAP\C54081P.dat
Randolph County               \MAP\C54083P.dat
Roane County                  \MAP\C54087P.dat
Summers County                \MAP\C54089P.dat
Tucker County                 \MAP\C54093P.dat
Tyler County                  \MAP\C54095P.dat
Upshur County                 \MAP\C54097P.dat
Wayne County                  \MAP\C54099P.dat
Wetzel County                 \MAP\C54103P.dat
Wirt County                   \MAP\C54105P.dat
Wood County                   \MAP\C54107P.dat
Wyoming County                \MAP\C54109P.dat
COUNTY                        METADATA FILE
Barbour County                \MAP\C54001.MIM
Braxton County                \MAP\C54007.MIM
Brooke County                 \MAP\C54009.MIM
Cabell County                 \MAP\C54011.MIM
Calhoun County                \MAP\C54013.MIM
Clay County                   \MAP\C54015.MIM
Gilmer County                 \MAP\C54021.MIM
Grant County                  \MAP\C54023.MIM
Greenbrier County             \MAP\C54025.MIM
Hardy County                  \MAP\C54031.MIM
Harrison County               \MAP\C54033.MIM
Jackson County                \MAP\C54035.MIM
Kanawha County                \MAP\C54039.MIM
Lewis County                  \MAP\C54041.MIM
Lincoln County                \MAP\C54043.MIM
Logan County                  \MAP\C54045.MIM
Mcdowell County               \MAP\C54047.MIM
Marshall County               \MAP\C54051.MIM
Mason County                  \MAP\C54053.MIM
Mingo County                  \MAP\C54059.MIM
Ohio County                   \MAP\C54069.MIM
Putnam County                 \MAP\C54079.MIM
Raleigh County                \MAP\C54081.MIM
Randolph County               \MAP\C54083.MIM
Roane County                  \MAP\C54087.MIM
Summers County                \MAP\C54089.MIM
Tucker County                 \MAP\C54093.MIM
Tyler County                  \MAP\C54095.MIM
Upshur County                 \MAP\C54097.MIM
Wayne County                  \MAP\C54099.MIM
Wetzel County                 \MAP\C54103.MIM
Wirt County                   \MAP\C54105.MIM
Wood County                   \MAP\C54107.MIM
Wyoming County                \MAP\C54109.MIM


The \DOCUMENT directory contains text files which document the Q3 Flood Data.
See Index of Documentation (III above) for more information.



The following questions and answers have been developed in anticipation
of questions that users of FEMA's Q3 Flood Data product might ask.

FEMA provides detailed technical information describing the Q3 Flood Data.

Users with general inquiries or ordering Q3 Flood Data can call: 

Users with technical questions regarding data formats and content are
directed to:
     1-617-354-2614.  You may also email technical questions to FEMA@hdm.com.

Users are also directed to FEMA's Internet Homepage:

1)  What is the Q3 Flood Data product?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data product is a digital representation of certain features
    of FEMA's FIRM product, intended for use with desk-top mapping and GIS
    technology.  FEMA  has produced data for approximately 1300 counties,
    including incorporated communities, across the United States.

2)  Why was the Q3 Flood Data product developed?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data product was designed to
    1)  serve the needs of FEMA's Response and Recovery activities,
    2)  promote flood insurance policy marketing initiatives,
    3)  assist in floodplain management activities at the local level.

3)  What are the uses of the Q3 Flood Data?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data are designed to serve FEMA's needs for disaster response
    activities, National Flood Insurance Program activities, risk assessment,
    and floodplain management.  The data are expected to be used for a variety of
    planning applications including broad-based review for floodplain management,
    land-use planning, commercial siting analysis, insurance target marketing,
    natural resource/environmental analyses, and real estate development and

4)  What are the limitations of the Q3 Flood Data?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data are designed to provide guidance and a general proximity
    of the location of Special Flood Hazard Areas.  The Q3 Flood Data cannot 
    be used to determine absolute delineations of flood risk or CBRS boundaries, but
    instead should be seen as portraying zones of uncertainty and possible
    risks associated with flood inundation.  Users must apply considerable care
    and judgment in the application of this product. Users of the Q3 Flood Data
    should refer to the "Users Guide" and "Specifications" for further

5)  How are the Q3 Flood Data created?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data are created by scanning (producing raster or grid data
    files) the effective FIRM paper maps and vectorizing (converting to lines
    and areas) select data features into a county-wide format.

6)  What features are contained in the Q3 Flood Data files?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data contain the following vectorized (lines and areas) data
    1)  1% (100 year) and 0.2% (500 year) annual chance floodplain boundaries
        (including Velocity zones),
    2)  flood insurance zone designations,
    3)  floodway boundaries (when available),
    4)  political boundaries (state, county, and community),
    5)  community and map panel identification numbers,
    6)  FIRM Panel neatlines,
    7)  USGS 7.5-minute (1:24,000 scale) topographic map quadrangle neatlines, and
    8)  external boundaries of Coastal Barrier Resource System (CBRS) areas.    

7)  What features are not contained in the Q3 Flood Data files?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data do not contain the following data features that are
    shown on the official paper FIRM:
    1)  hydrographic features,
    2)  base flood elevations,
    3)  cross section lines,
    4)  roads, road names, or address ranges, and
    5)  elevation reference mark locations and elevations.
    6)  internal boundaries of contiguous CBRS areas.
    7)  prohibition dates associated with individual CBRS areas.

8)  Will the Q3 Flood Data CD-ROM let me display flood maps?
A:  No.  The CD-ROM contains data only.  The Q3 Flood Data contain certain 
    key data and information found on FEMA's FIRMs.  They are not the maps
    themselves. The user will require mapping software and `base map' data
    as a foundation on which to overlay the Q3 Flood Data.

9)  Can I locate a street address (e.g., residential or commercial buildings)
with the Q3 Flood Data?
A:  No.  The Q3 Flood Data do not contain any transportation data (e.g.,
    streets, roads, addresses).  The user will need to acquire a transportation
    or other address data base to be used with mapping software in order
    to associate street addresses with floodplain boundaries.

10)  Can I make flood risk or CBRS determinations with this data?
A:  No, the Q3 Flood data product was not designed to make strict in/out flood
    risk determinations.  The data are designed to provide guidance and a general
    proximity of the location of Special Flood Hazard Areas and Coastal Barrier
    Resources System areas.  The Q3Flood Data product is not suitable for engineering
    applications such as detailed site design and development plans or flood risk
    determinations.  The Q3 Flood Data can not be used to determine absolute delineations
    of flood or CBRS boundaries, but instead should be seen as portraying zones of
    uncertainty and possible risks associated with flood inundation and areas of Federal
    funding and flood insurance prohibitions associated with the CBRS. Users must
    apply considerable care and judgment in applying this product. Users of the Q3 Flood
    Data should refer to the"Users Guide" and "Specifications"for further information.

11)  How can I view the Q3 Flood Data?
A:  You will need desk-top mapping software or a GIS to use the data.
    Whatever software you choose must be able to read in one or more of the
    three data formats contained on the CD.

12)  Can you recommend a desk-top mapping or GIS software that I could
A:  No.  FEMA does not endorse or promote the use of any one proprietary 
    software package.  FEMA uses several systems and has made these data
    available as a by-product of the Q3 Flood Data production process.

13)  In what data formats will the Q3 Flood Data be available?
A:  FEMA will produce the vector Q3 Flood Data in three data formats that
    are usable with desk-top mapping and GIS software packages.  These
    formats are
    1)  Digital Line Graph (DLG),
    2)  ARC/INFO (R), and
    3)  MapInfo (R).

14)  How can I get a list of available GIS and desk-top mapping software?
A:  Many software retailers should be able to recommend a few PC based
    desktop mapping applications. Larger workstation GIS software is a more
    specialized market and is usually sold directly by the manufacturer
    or through consultants.  GIS or Survey trade publications will contain
    advertisements for most of the popular packages.

15)  How many data layers are included in the Q3 Flood Data?
A:  One.  All features listed in question 6 are stored on one county-wide
    data layer.

16)  Will additional counties be produced?
A:  FEMA will update this Q3 Flood Data CD set in the future in response to additional 
    counties having information added to them.  Additionally, Q3 Flood Data files are 
    sometimes produced in response to a declared disaster.  Approximately 400 additional
    counties of Q3 Flood Data have been produced since the original publication in 
    September 1996.

17)  How will the data be distributed?
A:  The data will be distributed on CD-ROM from FEMA's Map Service Center
    (1-800-358-9616 or http://www.fema.gov).  The data will be arranged by states on
    CD-ROMs, with one or more states per CD-ROM.  Coverage for some states may require
    two CD-ROMs.  In the future, this data may be available via the Internet.

18)  Who will have to pay for this data?
A:  All users, including government organizations, will be required to 
    purchase the Q3 Flood Data.

19)  How often will the Q3 Flood Data be updated?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data are currently scheduled for a bi-annual review to 
    determine the need for revisions and/or updates.  Letters of Map Change
    (LOMC) and physical map revisions will be assessed to determine the need
    for data updates.  However, no specific update schedule has been
    determined to date.

20)  When will the raster data from the Q3 Flood Data production be
A:  No immediate dates for the release of the Q3 raster data have been

21)  Are the FIRM-DLGs still available?
A:  No.  The Q3 Flood Data replace the FIRM-DLG data product.

22)  Are the Q3 Flood Data compatible with other digital FIRM data products?
A:  Yes.  FEMA intends to produce consistent, quality assured data for use
    in floodplain management, hazards analysis, and risk assessment.

23)  When will DFIRM-DLG data be available in my area?
A:  The DFIRM-DLG data product requires a more rigorous development cycle
    including a community review prior to its release.  Therefore, it is
    difficult to estimate when an individual area of the country will be
    produced and distributed.  FEMA intends to produce and release the 
    DFIRM-DLG in the same manner as the Q3 Flood Data on both CD-ROM and
    over the Internet.

24)  Do the Q3 Flood Data Files represent the current effective FIRM panels?
A:  Maybe.  FEMA attempts to use the most current data when producing the Q3
    Flood Data.  The user is responsible for ensuring the Q3 Flood Data has
    the same date as the most current effective FIRM.

25)  Can the Q3 Flood Data be used as the legal or official FIRM document?
A:  No.  The paper FIRM is the official document.

26)  What is the scale of Q3 Flood Data?
A:  Although paper FIRMs can be compiled from different sources and scales
    ranging from 1:2,400 (1 inch = 200 feet) to 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000
    feet), and the Q3 Flood Data are captured from the actual FIRMs at
    publication scale, the data have horizontal control specifications
    consistent only with 1:24,000 scale mapping.  When using desk-top
    mapping or GIS software, the user can view or print the Q3 Flood Data
    at large scales (i.e., 1:500 or 1:1,000); however, the data will have
    the horizontal control of only the 1:24,000 scale map.

27)  Do the Q3 Flood Data include a base map?
A:  No.  However, the vector (line/area) data files are horizontally
    controlled to USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles.  This allows users to
    overlay the Q3 Flood Data with their own geographic information.

28)  May I change the flood boundary delineations on the map?
A:  The location of the Special Flood Hazard Areas on the FIRMs are derived
    from hydrologic engineering models that estimate the extent of the 1% and
    0.2% annual chance flood event.  FEMA recognizes that the geographic
    processing used to create the Q3 Flood Data may have introduced differences
    with the source hardcopy FIRMs.  FEMA does not recommend the alteration of
    the Q3 Flood Data product.  Users must apply considerable care and judgment
    in applying this product.  Users of the Q3 Flood Data should refer to the
    "Users Guide" and "Specifications" for further information and use policy.

29)  May I add cross-section lines or base flood elevation lines to the map?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data product does not contain base flood elevations nor is it
    registered to a base map. FEMA does not recommend altering the Q3 Flood
    Data product.  Users must apply considerable care and judgment in applying
    this product.  Users of the Q3 Flood Data should refer to the "Users Guide"
    and "Specifications" for further information.

30)  Whom may I contact regarding the Q3 Flood Data production and updating
A:  Any questions on, comments on, or contributions to, the production,
    utility, and distribution of the Q3 Flood Data product may be directed
    to the following address:

          Federal Emergency Management Agency
          Mitigation Directorate
          Q3 Flood Data Program
          500 C Street, SW
          Washington, D.C.  20472

31)  What do I do if I find inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the data?
A:  The Q3 Flood Data are currently scheduled for periodic review to determine
    the need for revisions and/or updates.  Although no specific update schedule
    has been determined to date, FEMA is interested in the identification and
    correction of Q3 Flood Data inaccuracies.  Please report any data inaccuracies
    or inconsistencies to the following address:

          Federal Emergency Management Agency
          Mitigation Directorate
          Q3 Flood Data Program
          500 C Street, SW
          Washington, D.C.  20472



The Q3 Flood Data contained on this CD-ROM can be a valuable
tool to assist FEMA and the user community in floodplain management, hazards 
analysis, and risk assessment activities.  However, the geographic processing
and conversion used to produce the Q3 Flood Data may introduce differences
from the original paper FIRMs; therefore, the Q3 Flood Data product must be used
with considerable care and judgment.

The Q3 Flood Data are derived from effective FIRM maps but do not replace those
products.  Users of Q3 Flood Data should refer to the "Users Guide" documentation
on this CD-ROM for information regarding limitations of these products in
practical application.

ARC/INFO(R) is a registered trademark of Environmental Systems Research Institute,
Inc.  MapInfo(R) is a registered trademark of MapInfo Corporation.  Use of or
reference to registered trademarks does not constitute or imply an endorsement on
behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
