The Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT) is a free GIS web map that allows federal, state, local, tribal and territorial emergency managers and other community leaders to examine the interplay of census data, infrastructure locations, and hazards, including real-time weather forecasts, historic disasters and estimated annualized frequency of hazard risk.
Access the Resilience Analysis & Planning Tool
The RAPT Webinar provides information on all aspects of RAPT, including the background information, data in RAPT and functionality. It contains graphics discussing the methodology and selection of the community resilience indicators, an interactive demo of the data contained in RAPT and step-by-step descriptions of the functionality and how to use the various analysis tools. This webinar contains the same information presented in the public RAPT webinars that were held in April 2021.
Supporting documents for the Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool can be found below:
- RAPT User Guide: Describes how to use RAPT's various features and tools.
- RAPT Data Layers and Sources: Summary list of all RAPT data layers and data sources for each layers.
- RAPT StoryMap: The RAPT StoryMap provides a quick overview of the webmap and ideas on how it can help you examine the interplay of population, infrastructure and hazard data.

Please email us with questions or to share how you are using RAPT.
Ways to Use RAPT
By combining data layers, users can create community maps to inform preparedness, response and recovery strategies.
Example: Users can look at the current National Weather Service forecast for extreme flooding, then add census layers to view at-risk vulnerable populations and infrastructure locations, such as individuals with disabilities and the location and size of mobile home parks.
Analysis tools allow users to identify infrastructure within a defined area and calculate population counts. Users can also download data from RAPT for further analysis.
How-To Tutorials
These how-to tutorials focus on specific aspects and functions of RAPT. For users who are new to RAPT, we recommend viewing these tutorials in order, as each video builds on the concepts and functionality presented in the previous videos.
View all RAPT videos on YouTube

Background information on the development of RAPT, an interactive data visualization and analysis tool. Highlights links to the RAPT supporting documents, describes the RAPT Story Map and shows basic navigation functions.
Community Resilience Indicator Layers [11:00]
Describes the county, census tract and Tribal Territory community resilience indicators and how to toggle them on and off to visualize the data on the map. Shows how to use the pop-up boxes to get detailed information on the indicator.
Attribute Table - View, Filter, and Export Data [9:04]
Discusses the attribute table which displays all the indicator and infrastructure information in a tabular form and allows for filtering of data and export of the data in an Excel spreadsheet.
Reviews how to access the infrastructure data layers as well as how to identify the sources of all data layers. Demonstrates how to visualize the data on the map as well as download the data using the attribute table.
Reviews how to access the hazard data layers as well as how to identify the sources of all data layers. Includes background information on the National Risk Index (NRI) tool and NRI layers included in RAPT. Demonstrates how to visualize the data on the map.
Basic RAPT Tools - Basemap Gallery, Toolbox and Add Data [12:43]
Reviews the different available basemap options and where different basemaps may be useful for different types of analysis. Covers the Draw, Print, and Measurement tools available in the Toolbox as well as how to add a data layer.
Advanced RAPT Tools - Incident Analysis and Summarize Selected Indicators [9:56]
Describes how to use the Incident Analysis Tool, including how to set buffer zones and look at infrastructure information within that zone. Shows you how to use the Summarize Selected Indicators.
Advanced RAPT Tools - Query: Census Tracts and Hospitals [7:01]
Provides an overview of how to use the query tool to see all the census tracts in a county or state. The second query tool help identify hospitals by trauma level.
Advanced RAPT Tools - Selection and Population Count [11:13]
Describes how to use the Selection Tool to analyze infrastructure, county, and census tract information. Shows how to sum the population in a given area using the Selection and Population Count tools together.
RAPT: National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Outlook Layers [13:48]
Features Chris Maier, NWS National Warning Coordination Meteorologist, who explains the real-time weather forecast layers on RAPT. These forecast layers include outlooks for severe weather, excessive rainfall, river flooding and Atlantic/Caribbean tropical cyclones. The video also discusses how to use RAPT’s analytic tools to identify populations and infrastructure vulnerable to these hazards.
RAPT: Community Resilience Indicator Analysis (CRIA
The Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool includes a combination of three types of data: community resilience indicators, infrastructure entities and hazard information. The 20 community resilience indicators included in RAPT were selected after careful examination and research performed by FEMA and Argonne National Laboratory, resulting in the Community Resilience Indicator Analysis report. The full report, along with other supporting documents, can be found below:
- Community Resilience Indicator Analysis (CRIA): County-Level Analysis of Commonly Used Indicators from Peer-Reviewed Research (Full Report): Comprehensive analysis of peer-reviewed research to identify the discrete indicators of community resilience used in multiple methodologies. This analysis identified the 20 census and community data-layers included in RAPT.
- Community Resilience Indicator Research Summary: Provides the following summary for each community resilience indicator: including the indicator’s connection to resilience, the data source, national average, and binning method. .
- CRIA Correlation Analysis: Describes how individual community resilience indicators are correlated to each other (positively and negatively). Communities can design resilience strategies that take these relationships into account.
- CRIA Story Map: The CRIA Story Map provides a quick, interactive overview of the Community Resilience Indicator Analysis (CRIA). The Story Map includes background information on the research methodology and indicator selection process, as well as each indicator’s connection to resilience.